our project history
- project Title :State Council ERP
- Client :State Concil
- Status :Complete
- Category :
- Date :05 August 2019
- Value :OMR
Over the last decade,Stat Council Oman (SCO) implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in order to improve their strategic planning, implement change management, streamline best business practices, increase productivity and bring competitive advantages. A qualitative explanatory case study design was used to examine and measure ERP system value in OMAN. The purpose of this qualitative study was to apply a post-implementation measurement framework , the ERP value in SCO and to determine what they need to do in order to overcome the barriers to achieve the full realization of their ERP systems. The findings revealed that SCO in OMAN use constructs from TGA success model and learning organization theory to identify and measure the value of their ERP system. The application of the post-implementation measurement framework have revealed some deficiencies in both system and service quality constructs of TGA